The Molori Safari Lodge Experience “If you need anything your butler’s name is Isaac. “Butler?! I have a butler?! It took me a moment to realize he wasn’t kidding. Toni Watson, my host at the Molori Safari Lodge in South Africa’s Madikwe Game Reserve, smiled and opened the massive wooden doors (think Game of Thrones worthy) […]
On a trip to Africa, my mission was two-fold: I needed to escape my A.D.D., a necessary evil if you want a career in Manhattan (Africa, I found, is one of the few places on earth I can truly relax and be present), and to improve my wildlife photography skills. I have a seemingly infinite […]
We were in the Timbavati Game Reserve, spellbound, watching Rockfig Jr., the leopard with the aquamarine eyes, casually gnaw on her impala kill. We were 15 feet from where she lay with her prize, yet she behaved as if we weren’t there. Her glossy coat and white underbelly stood out against the looming twilight. Her […]